Trainer, Consultant, Author

Handouts & worksheets
By Kevin M. Powell, PhD
Article on Association for the Treatment & Prevention of Sexual Abuse (ATSA)
HAndouts & Worksheets
Resilience Protective Factors Checklist-2nd Ed (RPFC-2) User Manual Rev Dec 2024
The Resilience Protective Factors Checklist-2nd Edition (RPFC-2) is a 34-item questionnaire that assists in the identification of protective factors empirically linked to resilience and positive outcomes. Four versions of the RPFC - Clinical, Youth, Parent/Caregiver, & College Research - are described in this manual, which can be administered to people across the life span and who have different life roles.
41 Strengths-Based Interventions
This handout lists 41 strengths-based interventions (Powell, 2015) that are organized into six categories based on the areas they target-- the development of Relationships, Optimistic Attitude (Promoting Hope), Assets, Prosocial Behaviors, Intellectual/ learning acquisition, and Provider self care.
9 Evidence Based Principles
Human behavior is complicated and influenced by many variables, which is why
youth services must be guided by foundational PRINCIPLES that are not only supported by research, but also allow for flexibility to utilize clinical expertise and consider the individual needs of youth and families. This handout highlights 9 Evidence-Based Principles for effective youth services.
Reference List
The most up-to-date list of published research that supports the many facets of a strengths-based approach.
Stabilizing High-Needs Youth
This handout lists strategies for helping stabilize high-needs youth in residential treatment facilities. Many of the interventions are also relevant in other settings including homes and schools.