Trainer, Consultant, Author
bookS & PUblications
Jimmy & Invo's Superpowers
Jimmy & Invo’s Superpowers: Developing Children’s Character Strengths assists parents and child service providers in educating children about character strengths.
The story of Jimmy & Invo’s Superpowers was written for preschool, kindergarten, and primary school-age kids. This entertaining resource can be used in homes, schools, therapy sessions, and other child service settings. The storybook content introduces children to key character strengths that are “superpower-like” in their ability to help each child lead happy, prosocial lives.
Guide: Jimmy & Invo's Superpowers
Jimmy & Invo’s Superpowers: Developing Children’s Character Strengths assists parents and child service providers in educating children about character strengths.
The Guide contains background and presentation tips along with the story and corresponding storybook page numbers for ease of sharing.
It is essential to have the Guide and a storybook for each child to implement the curriculum as intended.
Podcast about Jimmy & Invo
A Strengths-Based Approach for Intervention with At-Risk Youth
By focusing attention on what is right with youth rather than what is wrong with them, the strengths-based approach to intervening with youth avoids negative outcomes commonly associated with deficit- or problem-based interventions. This book provides an accessible outline of the strengths-based approach and details 41 interventions across several strengths domains.
praise for strengths-based approach
Dr. Powell’s 41 strengths-based interventions provide well-supported and practical strategies that illuminate the science and art of working with at-risk youth. This book is a ‘must read’ for new therapists, clinical supervisors, and experienced therapists who need a fresh and optimistic perspective.
—Tom Leversee, LCSW, Colorado Division of Youth Corrections
“In a world where many times teachers and administrators are looking to label and remove a student from a classroom, the interventions detailed in this book will allow one to take a different approach with a difficult case and hopefully end up in a much better place…I must admit I was left with a positive and energized feeling about the sheer number of positive interventions that could be implemented to meet some pretty trying situations.”
—Robert J. Dixon, PhD, NCSP, Communiqué, published by The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP)
“Dr. Kevin Powell has used his experience with adolescent youth to write a very readable and comprehensive review of a strengths-based approach. . . . The reader will come away with a solid perspective on this very important approach to intervention.”
—Ernest L. Chavez, PhD, Department of Psychology, Colorado State University
Our Very Special Bodies
Our Very Special Bodies is a children’s book for preschool, kindergarten and primary school-age kids. The purpose of the book is to promote family communication and prevent the sexual abuse of children. It is written in clear, simple language and is illustrated with brightly-colored pictures to engage children in the story. It is an interactive book in which children are not just listening to the story, but actively participating (pointing, touching, dancing, and answering questions).
research by Dr. Powell
book chapters by Dr. Powell
Engaging Adolescents and Families (2017)
Pages 215-250
A Strengths-Based Approach: A Case Study (2016)
Pages 43-63
Working Effectively with At-Risk Youth: A Strengths-Based Approach (2011)
Pages 69-91
Therapeutic Relationships and the Process of Change (2010)
Pages 253-262
Beyond Risk Management to a More Holistic Model for Treating Adolescents Who Have Engaged in Sexually Abusive Behavior (2017)
Pages 20:1-37
Beyond Risk Management to a More Holistic Model for Treating Sexually Abusive Youth (2012)
Pages 19:1-32
Approach (2010)
Pages 65-82